What is there to say about Burial? No seriously what is there to say? The man is a mystery. Up until 2008 no one knew his name, and in an anonymous interview he famously stated that “only five people know I make tunes”. And while we since have learned his name, in 2008 he posted a picture of himself and came out as William Bevan, little is known about his personality except for the fact that he is reclusive. If forced to guess at what he was like, I would say that he is a little like the Wizard of Oz, except instead of being spied behind his curtain he somehow went unnoticed, and instead of not really helping Dorothy and friends, he made all of their dreams come true. Burial uses heavy elements of dubstep in his music, and continuing with the Wizard of Oz metaphor, if sorority girl Dorothy were to hear it, she might exclaim, Toto, I don’t think we are at the Phi Beta Kappa brostep party anymore, and she would be most certainly right. Today’s track Archangel has everything that is great about Burial. It features dark warped vocal samples coupled with an unbelievable beat making for a very strong listen, which may just make you never want to return home to Uncle Henry and Auntie Skrillex.
+1 for making Skrillex the aunt