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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Track of the Moment: Richard Feynman on Beauty mixed by Be_T_Vo

            Working in a lab as an undergrad has a lot of perks to it.  You get a chance to learn and experience things you could never gain just by hearing a lecture in a classroom.  You get to work with professors, graduate students and other undergrads that you might not otherwise get to work with or get to know.  And specifically for me, you get to learn about stuff like this. 
            Now I’m going to level with you guys…I know like nothing about this track.  The mix of songs is called "There is No Shame in Reality."  I was just told about it today, and have only listened to it about a few times.  This mix done by Be_T_Vo are speeches and dissertations by famous scientists with music added.  I don’t know if Mr. Vo made the music himself or if he used previously recorded music, but it doesn’t matter to me because he truly fuses these two sounds into something truly new.
            There may not be to much actual music to these tracks, but what is used is used efficiently and effectively.  The words spoken by these brilliant men are turned from great pieces of knowledge to works of poetry and art.  He suggests to use this to sleep, but quite frankly I find these pieces so riveting that I actually had to stop them while typing because they grasped my attention so.  You can hear all 2 hours of the mix here.  I chose as the pick the second track: a speech by one of my all time favorite physicists Richard Feynman.  However, I think the whole mix plays on this player. 

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of Johann Johannson (yeah free publicity!)
