If you’re anything like my editor I know what you’re going to say. “An EP for your pick of the week? Unacceptable! Back to the writer’s cellar with you and don’t come out until you have and LP for your pick! But I just couldn’t help it. This is a damn good EP.
First off, I’ve never thought an album better fit its cover in my life (that’s right you can, in fact, judge this album by its cover) Lighthouse evokes the feel of the deepest parts of the ocean, a subject not often covered in popular music. The vocals are echoey, the instruments come in very spacey and ambient, and just by closing your eyes you can really lose yourself, floating in the void of the sound (Not to sound to poetic or anything.)
Second, it’s been a while since I took to an album so quickly. I found their album through a website, and download the album off their website (which is still free here: http://www.wishesandthieves.com/downloadLighthouse.html.) I listened to it several times in a row. It’s pretty simple music in retrospect, but in the simplicity you get something really great. Between the base and the drums the song gets a heartbeat that I find it hard to not move to. Also Jolanda Porter is SPOT ON, between the lyrics and her delivery she is able to steer these songs to fantastic places.
The album will be one year old in a few weeks. Wishes and Thieves seem to be gaining a lot of momentum since their initial release. Their next EP should be coming out in May, and if we’re lucky soon they’ll be playing at a venue near you. LIKE FOR INSTANCE if they decide to come to Philly (fingers crossed)
First of all, Ive never actually edited anything you have written. Second of all I told you not to mention the writer's cellar.