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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Track of The Moment: Balloon Girl by Hungry Lucy

         As many of you know I have that disease where I listen to music all the time (brought on by my ear buds being stapled to my ears by my roommate last year.) Because of that I’m always looking for something new. Recently that something new came in the form of the album “Pulse of the Earth” by the group Hungry Lucy. The band is described as a darkwave triphop duo consisting of Christa Belle on the mic and Warren Harrison behind the booth. On the surface they lay down some solid beats. They are very ambient and very interesting, but also passive at times like the music is content to linger in the background. This is where Belle comes in. Her voice that is both somber and beautiful helps to reel in the music, and bring the whole thing into the spotlight.
         Going back to how I found this music. The whole album is free to download here which is also full of royalty free music for music fans like you to download. I’ll be coming back to this website now and again looking for something for you viewer out there on “the tubes” (The internet is a series of tubes right?) Just remember if you do find something good make sure to let others know about it. The artist is giving you their livelihood for free the least you could do is give them some free advertising.
Enjoy the track “Balloon Girl” which I think showcases both what these guys do with the music and lyrics.

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